How to Work Your Side Gig During Quarantine

During this time, we are all encouraged to stay home and social distance if possible due to the global pandemic. However, staying home does not have to mean putting your life at a completely standstill. If you are unable to perform your regular job from home (or even if you are), you could think of this as an opportunity to work on your side hustle! There are still several ways you can work on your side hustle during quarantine while still following the guidelines set out by the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control:

•   Embrace the internet. In previous posts, we have talked a lot about the benefits of the internet as a way to reach a wider audience from the comfort of your own home. Social media is a great platform to reach potential clients!

•   Video chats. With more and more companies moving to towards working remotely (Bod•ē Pro included!), lots of people are embracing video chats. If you feel you are better at selling yourself and your side hustle in person than via social media posts or emails, why not try to schedule video chats with potential clients? Nearly all computers and smartphones these days come with built in cameras, so use those to your advantage!

•   Take time for yourself. This might sound like surprising advice in an article about monetizing your time and boosting your side hustle, but it is important to cultivate a healthy work-life balance. Remember, it is still possible to burn yourself out while you are social distancing during quarantine! Additionally, by giving yourself time off from your side hustle, you allow your brain to rest which can give you a chance to recharge your creativity and come back stronger than ever.


            What are your favorite ways to work on your side gig during quarantine? Tag us on social media @therealbodepro and show us how you slay your day during social distancing!