The Immune-Boosting Ingredients of TEN

In today’s global climate and health concerns, many of us are worried about how to keep our immune systems strong. Luckily, Bod•ē TEN is packed with lots of premium ingredients with a variety of potential health benefits, including magnesium. Magnesium is needed for more than 300 functions in the body, not the least of which includes the immune system. According to Harvard University, your “muscles need this mineral to contract; nerves need it to send and receive messages. It keeps your heart beating steadily and your immune system strong.”[1] This is one of the reasons we included magnesium in TEN because in addition to working with your immune system, magnesium lays a vital role in the energy production pathway within the mitochondria, enhancing their overall functional role.*

Mitochondria, as it turns out, are very important when it comes to the immune system. “Immune response and metabolism are closely dependent on each other. During immune response, immune cells transition from metabolic quiescence to active phase. This transition is associated with a metabolic shift from catabolic to anabolic state…Hence, mitochondria, the chief organelle for metabolism, have emerged to play crucial roles in the maintenance and establishment of immune responses. Mitochondrial machinery such as metabolic pathways, amino acid metabolism, antioxidant systems, mitochondrial dynamics, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), mitophagy, and mitochondrial ROS (mtROS) are crucial for immune functions.”[2] This is further proof why it is so important to keep your mitochondria strong! Support yourself at the cellular level with TEN and give your mitochondria the boost they crave.

TEN is a potent supplement, be sure to take with a meal or a full stomach.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

[1] “What You Should Know about Magnesium.” Harvard Health, Harvard University,

[2] Angajala, Anusha et al. “Diverse Roles of Mitochondria in Immune Responses: Novel Insights Into Immuno-Metabolism.” Frontiers in immunology vol. 9 1605. 12 Jul. 2018, doi:10.3389/fimmu.2018.01605