Decadent (but Healthy!) Iced Coffee featuring Happy & Skinny Iced Latte

Looking for an exquisite pick-me-up to start your day? Here is a delicious iced coffee featuring our Happy & Skinny that will get you going and keep you moving!



•   1 cup of brewed coffee, chilled

•   1 cup of unsweetened almond milk (or any milk of your choice)

•   1-2 tablespoons of pure maple syrup or honey

•   1 teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa powder

•   1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract

•   1 sachet of Happy & Skinny Iced Latte

•   Ice cubes

•   Optional toppings: whipped cream, cocoa powder, cinnamon



1.      Brew your favorite coffee and let it chill in the refrigerator until cold.

2.      In a blender, combine the chilled coffee, almond milk, maple syrup or honey, cocoa powder, and vanilla extract.

3.      Blend on high speed until well combined and frothy.

4.      Fill a glass with ice cubes.

5.      Pour the blended coffee mixture over the ice cubes.

6.      Stir gently to mix the flavors.

7.      If desired, top with a dollop of whipped cream and sprinkle with cocoa powder or cinnamon.

8.      Serve and enjoy!



This recipe allows you to indulge in a creamy and flavorful iced coffee while keeping it on the healthier side. The unsweetened almond milk adds a creamy texture, while the cocoa powder adds a rich chocolatey taste. The touch of maple syrup or honey provides natural sweetness, and you can adjust the amount to suit your preference.

Remember, you can always customize this recipe by adding a dash of cinnamon, a drizzle of caramel sauce, or even a scoop of protein powder for an extra nutritional boost. It's a perfect way to enjoy a refreshing and satisfying iced coffee treat without compromising on your health goals.

So, go ahead and treat yourself to this decadent but healthy iced coffee recipe, and savor every sip of this delightful beverage!