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How to Create a Morning Routine to Maximize Productivity

With how busy so many of us are, it can be easy to fall into the temptation of hopping out of bed and diving right into our day before we have even rubbed the sleep from our eyes. However, taking the time to create a consistent morning routine can actually help set you up for success during your day by improving stress and anxiety. “Having a more intentional approach to the day early on can help instill self-confidence and lead to a more productive rest of the day.” This can be hugely beneficial in every area of your life, both professional, personal, and with your side gig. Check out the following tips to start setting up a morning routine that works for you:

•   Go to bed and wake up at the same time. Look, we know how tempting it is to stay up and watch just one more episode of that completely binge-worthy show. However, exercising that willpower and getting yourself into bed at a consistent time can really set you up for success the following day. “Waking up and falling asleep at the same time sets your internal clock, or circadian rhythm, which makes for better quality sleep.” Better sleep means you can have a clearer mind in the mornings, which can contribute to better presence of mind throughout the day.

•   Get out of bed (and do not reach for your phone). It can be so easy to reach for your phone and doom scroll first thing in the morning, but getting out of bed not only helps to get your body moving, but it gives you an opportunity to commit to doing something productive. “Getting out of bed is the first step. Then, select one activity that you can bring full attention to, whether that be prayer, affirmation, a physical stretch, or brushing your teeth.”

•   Drink some water. It is no secret that we at Bodē Pro are huge fans of hydration, so of course we had to recommend adding it to your morning routine. “Water is essential because it helps your body digest the food you eat, absorb the nutrients from it, and get rid of the waste products.” Plus, your body has just gone for several hours without water while you slept—give it what it wants!

•   Eat something within an hour of waking up. Some of us are not breakfast people per say, but it can still be useful to your body to break the fast. “It is ideal to break the fast from the night before and eat within the first hour of waking to stimulate your metabolism…stretching out the fasting-like state can slow down your metabolism, which could ruin your day ahead. By comparison, a higher metabolic rate means your body burns more calories as you go about your day; it can also make you feel more energetic.” Plus, if you choose to work out in the morning, “eating something before you exercise can help fuel your body.”[1]

•   Get your essential vitamins and minerals. When you are putting together your morning routine, do not forget about getting your essential vitamins and minerals in your daily dose of Strong OG!*


 What does your morning routine look like? Tag us on social media and show us how you start your day Bodē Strong!


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

[1] Gupta, Sanjana, and Jeremy Novich. “10 Steps to Building a Great Morning Routine to Improve Your Productivity and Happiness.” Insider, Insider, 16 Apr. 2021,