4 Low-Impact Fall Workouts

As the seasons change, the desire for a change in your routine sometimes is not far behind. It makes sense—the fall is a time of heading back to school and fresh starts and just because you might have already graduated does not mean you are immune to the pull of the season. If you want to implement this feeling into your life, consider changing up your fitness plan with these low-impact workouts (but be sure to talk with your doctor before making any adjustments to your diet or exercise routine).

•   Walking. As the weather begins to cool, going for a walk could be the perfect low-impact exercise to enjoy as you admire the changing leaves. Additionally, "regular brisk walking provides huge health benefits, including weight management, improved mood, and boosted balance and coordination, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” You can also adjust the intensity of your walk depending on how far your walk, the incline of the area in which you are walking, and if you have access to a treadmill, this can be an all-weather activity.

•   Barre. This type of workout is best done in a class format, at least until you are more familiar with the moves (many classes are available via Zoom if needed). “This ballet-inspired exercise method, which is centered on lots of small pulsing movements, is heavy on mobility and flexibility work—two things many of us could stand to improve. It can also enhance your stability and balance. And, depending on the type of Barre class you attend, you'll also get a good dose of cardio and/or solid muscular endurance work…The best part though? Barre delivers all of those benefits without pounding your joints and ligaments.”

•   Elliptical. If you belong to a gym or have one of these machines at home, using an elliptical machine is a great option for an all-weather and low-impact workout. “It works several big muscle groups at once and delivers the benefits of running without any of the pounding impact. Many ellipticals have ski-pole-like arm handles, so you can engage your upper body muscles and up your calorie burn while also strengthening your arms, shoulders, and upper back muscles.” As an added bonus, elliptical machines are great at building up your booty if that is one of your fitness goals.

•   Pilates. Much like walking, the intensity of these workouts can be customizable to your preferred fitness level. “Pilates is a low-impact workout modality that's heavy on core strength, breath work, and alignment. A 2021 systematic review published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies looked at 28 studies and found that Pilates is an effective way to improve muscle strength, balance, and quality of life.”[1]


What are your favorite low-impact workouts to put into your routine for fall? Tag us on social media @therealbodepro and show us your favorites to help you get Bodē Strong!

[1] Yeager, Selene, and Jenny McCoy. “The 12 Best Low-Impact Workouts, According to Trainers.” Health, Health Magazine, 10 May 2021, https://www.health.com/fitness/low-impact-workouts.