5 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

The new year is upon us, which means that the time of resolutions is here. Making resolutions for the new year can feel really daunting, especially if you, like many of us, do not have the best track record when it comes to keeping those resolutions. However, making resolutions does not need to be scary—planning huge overhauls can be exciting, but sometimes it is better to start small. Think about it like you are starting to train for a 5k: if you are not used to running, it is much easier to jog up and down your driveway to start rather than immediately try and go for the full 5k. Check out these resolutions to help you start the journey towards a healthier you in the new year:

1.      Get more sleep. This might sound like it is easier said than done, but your sleep informs every other part of your day and it is when your body does all of its maintenance work to help you stay healthy. Simple things like improving the quality of your bedding, reducing the use of electronics at night, or getting into bed thirty minutes earlier can all help start the process of improving your sleep.

2.      Create little exercise moments throughout the day. Even if we want to make it to the gym, sometimes our schedules do not allow for it. Between work and side gigs and families and friends and everything else on our plates, gym time can fall by the wayside. However, that does not mean fitness has to totally go out the window. This year, consider adding in little exercise moments throughout your day. For example, you could do calf raises while brushing your teeth, lunges as you walk down the hallway of your house, or leg lifts while you are seated at your desk. Are these little moments going to be able to replace your regular workout regime? No, but these exercises are still going to be better than nothing on those days when a full workout just is not possible. Talk to your physician before starting any new exercise or diet routine, and be sure to ask them for additional ideas for ways to incorporate more exercise moments into your day that could work best for you.

3.      Try out one healthy recipe per week. Doing a complete and sudden overhaul of your diet can work for some people, but it is not a workable solution for all of us. If you fall into the latter category, consider swapping out one meal per week for a healthier alternative. If you are in need of ideas, check out some of the recipes featured on our blog!

4.      Drink more water. It can be easy to forget to drink water when we are busy, but your body needs water! Luckily, there are lots of ways to help you drink more water throughout the day if you choose to take on this resolution. You could set alarms on your phone to help remind you, or download an app that will send you gentle reminders throughout the day to drink water. If you want to go more high tech, there are water bottles available that connect to your phone via bluetooth that flash a light every time you have not drunk water recently to help remind you to stay hydrated. Or, if it is the plain water taste that does not appeal to you, you could always try to flavor your water with a bit of lemon juice or try a canned, carbonated version with some flavor. The important thing is to stay hydrated, so find what works for you!

5.      Dedicate time to your mental health. Physical health is important but so is your mental health. The last couple of years have been really difficult for many of us and those mental stressors can end up taking a physical toll, which is why it is imperative to prioritize your mental health. Setting aside 20 or 30 minutes a day for some self care can make a world of difference, as can seeking out the help of a professional if therapy feels like the right choice for you. There are low cost and even free therapy options available online and since we all got on board with video chats during the pandemic, you can often set up therapy sessions remotely and on your own schedule.


Setting resolutions does not have to feel like a major regime change. Sometimes, it is the small changes that feel more manageable and are more likely to stick with us. What are some of your resolutions for this year? Tag us on social media and show us how you plan to be Bod•ē (and mind) Strong in the new year!