Work from Home, Will Travel

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With vaccination rates on the rise, it is becoming safer for vaccinated individuals to travel. For those of us who have been able to work from home during the pandemic, this means there are greater opportunities to travel without having to lose billable hours. Working remotely allows for more flexibility in your working location so you can create a work-life balance you crave! Here are a few tips for maintaining your work flow while you enjoy your trip:

•   Ensure your Wi-Fi connection is strong. The best way to stay connected is to make sure those bars are full. If you are going to be out of your home office, you still need to maintain the same level of connectivity if you are on the clock.

•   Adjust your schedule to reflect your travel. If you do not need to be tied to your laptop for a project, feel free to just take your phone with you to answer any pressing calls or emails. But ensure you do not fall behind by scheduling some time later in the day to help you stay on top of your work. That is the beauty of working remotely—you can set your own schedule!

•   Be sure to account for timezone changes. Just because you might be in another timezone does not mean that your co-workers are—no one wants a non-emergency phone call at 4AM!

•   Maintain an end of the work day routine and when you clock out—clock out. Traveling while working remotely sometimes requires some additional effort, but that does not mean you have to go so far as to work the whole time and forget to enjoy your trip. Much like when you are at home, clock out at the end of the day. If you do not take some time to enjoy your trip, then what is the point of going if you never leave your hotel?


What are your favorite travel tips for working remotely? Tag us on social media @therealbodepro and show us how you work hard, play hard with with Strong OG by your side!