The Secret to Winter Hand Health

The Secret to Winter Hand Health.jpg

Winter is not coming; it is here. Between the colder weather, frequent hand washing as per CDC guidelines, and the general dryness in the air, your hands are probably feeling a little desperate for some love. Proper hydration starts from the inside out by getting enough water, but sometimes your hands need a little boost to help them get back into good shape. Luckily, there is an easy trick to get your skin soft and nourished instead of dry and cracked, and all you need is some petroleum jelly and an old pair of gloves!

1.      Just before going to bed, wash your hands thoroughly but do not dry them. While your hands are still wet, slather your hands with petroleum jelly—and we mean slather! We are not going for dainty and presentable here; you want a layer of petroleum jelly so thick that picking up any smooth object would be impossible. 

2.      Carefully put on your mittens over your very jellied hands while trying to keep as much of the petroleum jelly inside the mittens as possible.

3.      Go to bed!

4.      When you wake up in the morning, head to the bathroom and remove your mittens. Wash off any excess petroleum jelly that might still be lingering, and voila! Your hands should feel (and look) softer and far more nourished than they did the day before.

            Depending on the severity of your winter hands, you might need to repeat this process for a couple of nights to get the results you desire. In theory, you could use lotion instead of petroleum jelly, but everyone has different reactions to the various perfumes and additives found in many lotions, so your safest bet is to stick with basic petroleum jelly. Additionally, be sure to wear gloves to help preserve your hands after you grab your can of Verve if you are exercising outside in the cold, whether you are riding your bike, skiing, snowboarding, or simply going for a walk (all while safely masked and social distanced, of course). Love your hands, love yourself!