10 Simple Hotel Room Exercises

With Christmas and New Year’s just around the corner, your fitness routine does not need to take a holiday just because you might be traveling. Even without your usual day to day schedule, you can still stay fit. Here are ten easy hotel room exercises to try the next time you hit the road!

1.      Single Leg Run: You might not always have the space to go for a run, but you can duplicate some of the benefits with this easy exercise. Start in a lunge with your right foot forward and your arms bent, left arm forward, right arm back. Quickly bring your left knee up to hip height before dropping it back to its starting position, pumping your arms as you do so. Repeat for 15 reps, then switch sides.

2.      Plank Pose: Yoga is a great way to incorporate exercise into your day without needing extensive equipment. Maneuver yourself into a pushup position, keeping your hands shoulder width apart and your back flat. Hold for 30 seconds, pause for 10 seconds, then repeat.

3.      Side Plank Leg Raises: Lie on your right side and prop yourself up on your right elbow. Raise your body so that your hip is off the floor and your feet are stacked on top of each other. Keeping your leg straight, lift your left leg slowly into the air, bringing it as close to vertical as you can, before slowly lowering it back down. Repeat for 15 reps, then switch sides. Note: if keeping your hips raised feels too intense, you can modify this exercise by keeping your hips on the floor. 

4.      Incline Pushups: Line yourself up in a pushup position with your hands on the edge of the bed or a desk, making sure to keep your back flat. Perform 20 pushups.

5.      Squats: Begin by standing with your feet shoulder width apart, with your toes turned out about 30 degrees. Slowly squat down into a seated position, keeping your hips back and your knees in line with your feet. Repeat for 15 reps. For added intensity, raise your arms up above your head.

6.      Mountain Climbers: Begin in plank position, with your back flat and your hands positioned below your shoulders. Bring one knee forward to your opposite elbow and then back. Alternate sides in quick succession so that one knee is always forward. For higher intensity, try it Tabata style: do 8 rounds of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. This will give you some quick cardio footwork without the thumping of other exercises like jumping jacks--you don’t want to sound like a herd of elephants to your downstairs neighbor in the hotel!

7.      Luggage Rows: Make your suitcase work for you! Start by kneeling with your left leg on a chair or the bed and keep your right foot on the floor. Pick up your suitcase with your right hand like a weight and, with a flat back, row your luggage up to your chest. Do three sets of 15 reps on each side.

8.      Wall Squats: Begin with your back against the wall and lower yourself so that your knees are at a 90 degree angle like you’re sitting in an invisible chair. Hold for 60 seconds, take a break, then repeat. For added intensity, lift one leg and hold it straight out in front of you.

9.      Bridges: Lie on your back on the floor, keeping your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Keep your arms flat on the floor beside you and lift your hips into the air. Hold for 10 seconds, then lower for five. Repeat three times. For added intensity, go up on your toes when you lift your hips or lift one leg straight up into the air.

10.   Calf Raises: Start with your feet flat on the floor. Then, keep your knees straight and rise up onto your toes. Lower back to the ground. Repeat for three sets of 10 reps. This is an easy exercise to do while you’re brushing your teeth or even riding in an elevator!

Of course, while these exercises are great for travel, they are also easy to take home with you once you return. The key to working out while traveling is to find little ways to incorporate exercise (and be sure to talk to your doctor before starting any new fitness regime). What are some of your favorite hotel exercise tips? Tag us on social media @therealbodepro and show us how you stay Bodē Strong on vacation!