5 Quarantine-Friendly Core Workouts

5 Quarantine Friendly Core Workouts.jpg

Even though many gyms are still closed due to the pandemic, that does not mean you have to let up on your exercise routine, particularly your core work. Keep your core strong and toned under those cozy winter sweaters with these five exercises you can do at home!

1.      Plank Up: Begin in a plank position, like you’re about to do pushups, with your hands aligned beneath your shoulders. If necessary, you can have your knees down; just be sure to keep your core engaged. Lower onto your elbows one at a time and then reverse the move to push back up onto your hands. Alternate the lead arm with each rep and repeat for 15-20 reps.

2.      V Up: Start by lying on your back with your arms stretched above you on the floor. Engage your core and simultaneously raise your legs and arms to meet each other, creating a V shape with your body. As you lower back to the ground, take care not to just collapse (tempting as that may be). Use your core to keep your movements controlled as you return to the starting position. Repeat for 10-15 reps.

3.      Mountain Climber: Begin in plank position like you’re about to do a pushup. Bring you right knee forward to your chest, keeping your toes off the ground, then return to start position. Repeat with the left leg. Continue to alternate your legs like you’re running in place. Repeat for 20-25 reps.

4.      Mountain Climber Twist: This is just like the Mountain Climber, but with a . . . twist (*wink wink* *nudge nudge*). This time, when you bring your knee up, bring your right knee towards your left elbow, and vice versa. Alternate your legs and repeat for 20-25 reps).

5.      Scissor Switch: Begin by lying on your back with your legs straight out in front of you and your arms raised up in the air. As you curl your torso up, raise your right leg up into the air to meet your hands, then switch legs. To increase the challenge, don’t let your legs return all the way to the floor; hold them up a few inches above the ground. Repeat for 10-15 reps.


Core strength is so important, and with so many of us working from home, we end up neglecting our core while sitting in front of a computer day after day. “Core exercises are an important part of a well-rounded fitness program . . . Weak core muscles can leave you susceptible to poor posture, lower back pain and muscle injuries.”[1] Strengthen your core, strengthen your life! 


[1]  “Why Your Core Muscles Matter.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2 Aug. 2017, www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/core-exercises/art-20044751.

*Bodē Pro recommends following a healthy approach to weight loss by consulting with your physician or health care professional prior to starting any new exercise or diet plan.