Yoga for Digestion

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Have you ever had one of those nights when you have eaten too much or your stomach just feels a little off? Of course you have, you’re human! Luckily, it seems like there is a yoga answer for everything, so check out these poses to improve your digestion (but be sure to check with your doctor before beginning any new fitness regime):

  • Cat/Cow Pose: Begin on all fours with your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders. As you inhale, bring the crown of your head and your tailbone up towards the ceiling, allowing your lower back to hollow. On the exhale, slowly drop your head down do that the top of your head is pointed towards the floor as your arch your back up towards the ceiling. Allow yourself to go at your own pace, following the rhythm of your breath.

  • Seated Spinal Twist: Begin by sitting up straight with your legs out in front of you. Bend your right knee and cross it over your left leg, placing your right foot next to your left thigh. Next, bend your left leg and place your foot by your right glute, squaring your hips and keeping them flat on the floor. Place your right fingertips on the floor behind you and raise your left arm straight up. Then, bend your left arm and hook your elbow around your right knee. With each exhalation, gently deepen the twist. Repeat on the opposite side.

  • Downward Facing Dog: To do this pose, put your hands and feet flat on the floor, essentially creating an inverted V with your body. Lift your hips up towards the ceiling while simultaneously pressing your heels into the floor, keeping your back straight.

  • Cobra Pose: Begin in a plank position. Lower yourself all the way to the floor and adjust your feet so that the tops of your feet are against the floor. As you inhale, push up on your hands and begin to lift your chest off of the floor. Be sure to only go as high as you can while still keeping your pelvis against the floor. Relax your shoulders and make sure to lower them and keep them out of your ears.

  • Triangle Pose: Stand at the front of your mat with your feet together. Step backwards with your left foot and turn your foot in at about a 45 degree angle. Bend to your right at the waist and reach your right hand down to your ankle (or calf if you cannot quite reach your ankle, but be sure not to rest your hand on your knee). Extend your left arm straight up into the air and let your gaze follow your left hand. Continue to lift through your left arm to help open your chest and when you’re ready, straighten your torso back up to standing and repeat on the other side. If we spend too much time in the car, many of us tend to hunch over the steering wheel and this pose can help open up your cramped chest and upper back muscles.

What are your favoriteStrong OG-powered yoga poses to do to help with digestion? Let us know in the comments or tag us on social media @therealbodepro!