How to Avoid the Quarantine Fifteen


Right now, many of us are staying home to help flatten the curve of COVID-19. While this is important and necessary for the health and safety of our communities, many of us have noticed the numbers on the scale slowly start to rise since the start of quarantine. If you suspect you might be gaining a quarantine fifteen, check out these tips below to help you flatten your own curve:

•   Keep active. If you are used to working out a gym, your normal exercise routine has likely shifted with the need to stay home and quarantine. However, just because you cannot go to the gym right now does not mean you have to let your fitness plans fall by the wayside. There are plenty of workouts you can do at home, even without any equipment. Many gyms and trainers are hosting Zoom classes so you can work out from the safety of your own home, and sites like YouTube offer a host of free videos.

•   Always be moving! In addition to online workouts, think of little ways to incorporate more movement into your day. Are you binging your favorite TV series? Walk in place and get your blood flowing. Are you waiting for your grocery delivery to arrive? Challenge yourself to see how many squats you can perform in the interim! Are you brushing your teeth and just standing there? Do some calf raises! Get creative with the way you move around your home and find small ways to add movement to your day.

•   Resist the urge to snack. If boredom is setting in during quarantine, you might be tempted to snack. Resist! If you notice that you are starting to eat just because you are bored, find a new activity to keep your hands busy. Type out some emails to family and friends, follow an art tutorial on YouTube, do ten pushups, anything to keep those hands occupied!


These are just a few ways to help you avoid the quarantine fifteen but, as always, be sure to talk to your doctor before starting any new diet or fitness routine. What are your favorite tips and tricks to keep your health and fitness goals in sight while quarantining? Let us know in the comments or tag us on social media @therealbodepro!