Why Care about Mitochondria?

You know that at Bod•ē Pro, we are very excited about the boost your mitochondria can get with Bod•ē TEN. But why bother worrying about mitochondria? “Mitochondria are organelles found in the cells of every complex organism.  They produce about 90% of the chemical energy that cells need to survive. So it's easy to see why it is important we understand how mitochondria work. However, mitochondria do much more than just produce energy. They also produce chemicals that your body needs for other purposes, break down waste products so they’re less harmful, and recycle some of those waste products to save energy.”[1]

Because mitochondria are on the cellular level, you might be wondering why you should bother thinking about them. Shouldn’t your body just handle everything while you go on about your day? It is true that your body regulates your cells, but it is also true that as you age, the number of mitochondria you have begin to decline. Due in part to oxidative stress, they also become less efficient and do not function to their fullest potential. As a result, you may not benefit from their full energy production abilities. However, Bod•ē TEN was specifically designed to increase and improve mitochondria energy production.* With TEN, you should feel an overall increase in natural energy (without a crash), improved stamina and general mood and feeling of well being and vitality.* Give your mitochondria a boost to help them fight the effects of oxidative stress so you can age smarter and stronger with TEN!


TEN is a potent supplement, be sure to take with a meal or a full stomach.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

[1] “What Are Mitochondria?” What Are Mitochondria? | MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, 2 Oct. 1970, www.mrc-mbu.cam.ac.uk/what-are-mitochondria.